I love the cover of SERENADE- with the help of my editor, Andy Jasso and Bill Messer’s wonderful photos, my cover has come alive! The entire book has been sent in for printing and should be here in about 10 days (i hope). Here’s a little exerpt:
Mary shook the conversation with the pastor away and closed her eyes tightly to get the thoughts out, “People just don’t understand,” she huffed, reminding herself that she didn’t want to go over the conversation again, she wanted to concentrate on the California girl, the one Amos Burger had killed. It riled her to no end that he had gotten off with merely a slap on the wrist and that he seemed to have no remorse. She never could stand him, “old Towler’s behind all this. I bet you two dimes to a dollar he has something to do with it, with Amos, in fact, word all around is that he blamed the girl. It was the girl that was drunk, that was cheap. “Well, I guess that means it was okay,” Mary chided. “I just know that Towler had something to do with getting that slimy bag of worms, Amos, off,” she snorted angrily. “They’re both just…,” Mary’s mouth pursed tightly, “just money grubbing bags of pizzle.”
Oh yes, the cattails are still fuzzy. They should lose that fuzz in a few weeks, But I need them fuzz-less now. Need a good cover picture. While I wait, here is a little excerpt from SERENADE OF THE CATTAILS:
If it hadn’t been for her, Alfonzo Towler would have never built the ocean front monstrosity his wife had asked for. He could have conducted business from Raleigh or even Wilmington where his main real-estate office was located. If it hadn’t been for the demanding, or should he call it exactly what it was, the black mailing bitch.
What was it she had said?
“Darlin’ he looks just like you. I think he’s even got your jowly cheeks I love so much. And those eyes, well, they just ain’t exactly brown, now are they? I’d say sort of greenish brown, sorta muddy, like yours. What do you think?”