sometimes they just don’t listen, don’t want to know the truth, or are just too dumb. Oh well, what ya gonna do about it. Here’s an excerpt from Shark’s Breath:
Happy with his purchase, Morgan Simpers ground the gears into second, third and then fourth as he moved northward along the long winding road. Slowing with the long curves, he scanned the side of the road for the little driveway to his rental apartment. Lit only by sky lights, it was difficult to tell what was a small clearing and where an entrance began. Then, there it was, his entrance. Or at least he thought.
He pulled in slowly, noticing as soon as he had, that it was not his entrance at all. A shadowy figure came from the far side, or had it been there all along? Morgan wasn’t sure. He backed from the drive and slowed as he approached the man, now walking roadside. “Hey, need a ride buddy?” He called from the window.
For a moment he thought he recognized the face, somewhat obscured by the loosely fitting knit cap covering his head –or was it the lingering buzz from the weed that made him think everyone was a friend. He strained a bit farther, but the man abruptly turned.
“No,” the man stuffed his hands into the pockets of his light jacket and walked away.
The Meet the Author Luncheon was a success!!! We sold out of tickets and I heard nothing but good things about the food! Thank you so much to all who attended. I truly hope you enjoyed yourself and learned a little about the wonderful authors we have surrounding us. Sales were great, all authors sold books. This says a lot about the quality of our authors.
This was our first author luncheon and we are learning too. Though things went rather smoothly, I know we can improve. Next year will be better!
Thank you to Cathy Teoste, Joe DeCicco, Joey Jones, Beverly Heyde, Bonnie Griffin, and Leslie Tall Manning. YOu are all wonderful writers and I’m so happy to have you as part of our shop. There is more to come.
Thank you to Stretch. Barbara, Pat, Bonnie, Bernice and Elizabeth. YOu are God sends. Thank you, thank you, thank you. CArol Ann Ross
A couple of weeks ago this is what was happening out there where the mermaids play. Feels mighty safe being on shore and I don’t envy those who have been on waters like this. Long ago, with my father we rode some rough water–upchucked a lot.
Speaking of mermaids playing–The Mermaid’s Book Corner located at the Mermaids Purse in Surf City is having their annual MEET THE AUTHOR LUNCHEON. Wow! 6 authors will be circulating after a lunch of either shrimp creole or turkey chowder. This is a closed event with only a certain amount of seating available. we have only 4 tickets left, so if you’re interested please come by The Mermaids Purse and purchase one.
Also, so proud to say that I will be teaching a writing class at CCCF starting this Monday. Last check, there is one seat left. Come join. We have lots of fun and learn a few things too.
quote: “If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.” Antoine de Saint-Exupery