Archive for February 2017

Went clamming today. The water was 63 degrees, not bad for February. WHAT FUN! and what a great way to spend the day. Dinner? clams, conch, sea fan and shrimp. Life is good! Never had sea fan before-tastes like scallops.Writing tip: write what you know-so when I’m writing about clamming, using a rake, I know…

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It’s that time of year again when my favorite flower abounds. These I found dressing up the weeds around them–symbols of new life, of hope and damn if they ain’t pretty. The jocund perennials always make me feel optimistic, Heck, they should be the national flower–we need some optimism now.Once again, as I do every…

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SIMPLY beautiful. Nothing beats simplicity.  Ran across a wonderful quote about that subject-simplicity.  All the knowledge in the world has not brought us any further than where we can go without it even in the outermost halls of grace. The greatest substance of the world is immaterial, the province of the heart, and its study…

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Excerpt from THE TOWER:      “Protection—she wants protection—I’m the one who needs protection. She’s the one killing people, not me.” Don’s hands tightened on the steering wheel as he pulled from the vacant driveway.      A mottled gray and silver sky barely lit the morning; he switched on his dims and pressed his foot…

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What a beautiful morning.writing tip–pay attention to how you react to things and use those things in your own writing.quote: It is not often that someone comes along who is a true friend and a good writer-E.B. White

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Finally got both sails up, jib and main. There is nothing like sailing solely by the wind–no engine–the complete silence–only the sound of the water against the hull and the luff of a sail. Dolphins rode our wake. Makes me wish I was younger, less fat, more agile–but oh so glad that I get to…

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