Archive for August 2016

Yes, this is a manatee! Not a common sight here in North Carolina, but nonetheless, there it is.While visiting friends at Swan Point Marina this beautiful creature came swimming around the finger docks. We threw lettuce and fresh water. Wow! Hope this big guy is safe.

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Of course, I do not remember being here, but I’m told I was. This is when we lived in the Azores before coming to TI. They do bullfights a little differently in the Azores. Seems, rather than kill the bull, one is to drag it into the water -or something like that. Obviously, nobody dragged…

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Super morning. Hazy and muted—soooooooooooooo cool. Quote: Because he loved true things he tried to explain-John Steinbeck.

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So this is the new cover to BRIDGE TENDER. Much like the previous, but more ominous, don’t ya think. Again, thanks to Connie Pletl and Loggerhead Designs.

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quote: And I know Martin Eden’s           gonna be proud of me           And many before me          who’ve been called by the sea.          –Tom Waits

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One of the observation towers from the late 1940s when Operation Bumble Bee was active on the island. The missiles being observed were part of an anti-aircraft, surface to air missile defense system.This ramjet powered design is still used in some technology today. The Navy left in 1948, turning over leased land to land owners,…

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When I was a kid I used to swim out ten stokes and if I could touch bottom, I’d swim out ten more-and on and on. QUOTE:  Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go- T.S. ELIOT

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I keep forgetting that this blog is supposed to be about writing tips. Okay, ya want a writing tip-here it is: quit reading other people’s stuff and comparing it to what you think you could be capable of doing. YOU are not THAT person, you are your own-self.-do YOUR thing. It is tough putting yourself…

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