Month: August 2019

Ob la di, ob la da

Life does go on –until it doesn’t anymore. In the meantime we all do our best-(or at least what we think we are capable of). Some people sleep well with their choices, others do not. ALL THESE LITTLE THINGS, the 6th book in the mystery series, is about those people and if you’ve been reading the Topsail Island Mystery series, you know of whom I write. I like to think that my books are not just murder stories but are about the ups and downs, the struggles, disappointments and joys we all have in our lives.

QUOTE: “Life is not linear; you have ups and downs. It’s how you deal with the troughs that defines you.” Michael Lee-Chin

Writer’s tip: Class starts Sept. 9, Y’all come now. Gonna be fun! CFCC Creative Writing–Carol Overstreet

Latest episode

This is sort of what the cover of the new book will look like. Still tweaking and will be doing so for quite a while. But I do have the title– ALL THESE LITTLE THINGS. Guess I do it bass ackwards, have to have a title before I can start a book. So, I’m off. Hopefully this one will be done by next spring. Excerpts will be posted periodically.  Still hawking for students for the writing class at CFCC. For more info on that go to the college website. Thanks and hope to C U there.

Sunday morning

Often at the Topsail Beach market I’ll mention to folks that there is a picture from the 1930s on my blog but that it was posted years ago. It’s a real drag to have to scroll through all my stuff just to get to it, so I posted this lovely photo again. Look at our dunes covered in sea grasses, the squatty water oaks in the distance–beauty is a simple thing. It is not ornate. Yes, this was the best place to grow up.

QUOTE: “Yes: I am a dreamer. For a dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.”
– Oscar Wilde

WRITER TIP: Writing class begins September 9 at Surf City Cape Fear Community College. Please sign up – lots of fun, lots of learning.