Archive for September 2017

This is my father. Many of you who follow me may remember him. I’ve come to find out that he was someone you liked a lot or didn’t like at all-at least, that is what I have been told. I do know that he wasn’t impressed by one’s “stuff” but rather by what kind of…

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OMG! A perfect day! Just a little too breezy, a little too cloudy, a little too non-typical. But then, that’s always the best way for things to be. Beauty is subjective, isn’t it?As for that nasty ol’ hurricane, Maria-best that we have the peripheral effects of her–the full effect would be oh so destructive.QUOTE: Normality…

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It’s always pretty, it’s always what I need. Thank you God. Doesn’t being where you feel good make you want to be good to other people? Even the ones that have been kinda shitty to you? I wish everyone good health and success. Keep pursuing your dreams, don’t give up on them–they are worthy and…

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                    A FLOCK OF SEAGULLS Didn’t they sing that song AND I RAN, back in the eighties? Geez it looks like they added a few band members since then. Wonder if they still sound the same? QUOTE: I love to laugh, and laughter is one of…

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QUOTE: The ocean is more ancient than the mountains and freighted with the memories of the dreams of time–H.P. Lovecraft.  (Geez, what beautiful inspiring words!!!) Lovecraft was an author of horror and the macabre during the turn of the century. He died penniless, never having achieved the fame or recognition that he did posthumously. He…

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    Working on the first truly only romance novel I’ve ever done SOMETIMES A BOOK IS JUST A BOOK–no historical fiction, no murder, just pure LOVE (oh my!). Been pulling out all the old love songs and watching all the old romance movies I can get my hands on. (gotta put myself in the…

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This is a photo of the haunted house I visited the other day–an interview for Livin’ Out Loud magazine–the article should be out next month.This was a very interesting interview–I keep meeting interesting people–I’m blessed. Trip to Morehead and writer’s luncheon at Floyd’s Restaurant was very  nice–Never had a better shrimp sandwich in my life!…

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Always thought that if I was going to come back as something it would be a dolphin, but on second thought, perhaps a sandpiper would be better. Dolphins are hunted by several predators, among them the killer whale. Sand pipers, on the other hand don’t seem to have many predators..and they are such care-free critters.…

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Will she or won’t she? That is the question. Looks like Irma is poised to strike our area and she looks like a real bitch. Mother Nature does what she wants. Mother Nature is angry-she wants her island back. Remember–1954 Hurricane Hazel, cat 4,  hit us head on during high tide and a full moon.…

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