Geez, didn’t we look like a couple of ragamuffins back then. This is around 1957 or ’58. The little camera my older sister is holding is a Brownie. She took care of it and used it for years and years. She may still have it.
The building we are standing in front of was our home. It was originally an old WWII barracks that Daddy made into apartments. I remember riding my tricycle down the long hall before the apartments were completed. Oh, there are so many stories. But I digress, this post is about audio books, something that no one ever heard of way back in the dinosaur days.
I attend several markets throughout the year and so many people ask me if my books are in audio form. Many people can no longer see well enough to read, and then others prefer to listen as they drive. Because it is so very expensive to do so, I have not pursued turning my books into audio form. However!!! A friend of mine found a program that is much less expensive and so I’m going to give it a shot–see if I can finally get some of my books made into audio books. Wish me luck, please. God bless you all and please stay safe and healthy.