Month: June 2021


Amazon assures me that Tickler Chain will be here in a couple of days. I’m very excited about my new baby and hope my readers will enjoy the latest book too. I’ll be at Carolina Decor Wednesday and the South Topsail Market Thursday.  The regular shops on the island will have it soon and I’m available also on Amazon. Tickler Chain is the 7th book in the Murder by the Sea series. Here is a little excerpt:

The warmth of familiarity and knowledge of a goal, one she could reach, flooded through her body almost to ecstasy. Then in the throes of her passion, the course, consuming envelopment of fear descended upon her, it was as if someone had tossed a blanket across her entire body. The emotion gripped her stronger than she’d ever felt before. She felt lost, alone-so very alone and as if she had never existed.

Almost here!

Amazon says TICKLER CHAIN will be here on July 2, geez I hope they aren’t misleading me. Lately it has been taking so long to get stuff on time-seems to take forever. Anyway, the book is due here in a week or so. I’m thrilled,  my editor is thrilled, and I hope you, my readers, are too. I’ve loved writing the MURDER BY THE SEA series and it’s been hard keeping the series on the shelves of the local stores. Thank you so much! It is always so fulfilling to have return readers who follow the series.

As soon as the shipment comes in,  I will post it on my page. Thanks again for reading. Carol

Tickler Chain

Tickler Chain is at the editors and I’m busy selecting a proper photo for the cover. This is a maybe.This is another maybe. There is just so many to choose from. The chain you see in the nets is the tickler chain. It bumps along the sandy bottom and encourages the shrimp to jump into the net. Anyone have any preferences? Would love to hear from you.