Month: April 2019

Faint of heart

Love is not for the faint of heart. Shadows of ourselves exist when we lose love; we cling to those shadows. So love is never really lost, it’s simply locked away until we choose to bring it back–maybe toy with it for a while–maybe revel in the pain of it.  Or if we’re lucky, enjoy it.

It was difficult deciding what to do about Paula (a character in Shark’s Breath), about her love-what it made her do. Writing her experiences was wrenching and I wrote and deleted, wrote and deleted–hope you’ll like what she does–or maybe not. Shark’s Breath will be out in a month–check it out. You tell me, ye faint of heart lovers.


The last few days have been so beautiful, makes one forget that even the assholes of the world get to behold such sights. (Wow! that sounds nasty.) Ah, but do they appreciate it as much as those of us pure of heart are so capable of doing? Hmm, but there are man-eating sharks beneath that blue calm-hurricanes blow from that lustrous sky– so don’t let ANYTHING (or anyone) deceive you and lull you into a false sense of security. Remember, the man-o-war is a beautiful but deadly jelly fish.And SHARK’S BREATH may not be what you think it is.

QUOTE: “The essence of lying is in deception, not in words.” John Ruskin

WRITING TIP: “Art is a deception that creates real emotions – a lie that creates a truth. And when you give yourself over to that deception it becomes magic.” Marco Tempe



Shrimp boats, we see them all the time from our shore. They seem fascinating, maybe even a little romantic (you know, men and the sea and all that jazz). Many moons ago I spent a night shrimping on one (when I wasn’t throwing up) and got a glimpse as to how they operate. It was complicated then and complicated today, as I once again boarded a shrimp boat to learn just how they work. Not to bore you with the technical stuff I’ll refer you to a page on google called HOW SHRIMP BOATS WORK. So, back to the romantic stuff–I’ve always believed that it takes a certain type of person to be a fisherman and I don’t mean the type that fishes on weekends or from the pier, I mean the kind that makes their living from the ocean. Thalassophile-that is “lover of the ocean”–you have to be one of those to work on the sea–it’s a soul thing–one has to do it, since shrimp boat work is hard and demanding. And if you’re not careful, can maim or kill you. My hat is off to all the shrimpers working on those round hulled boats that dip and sway constantly, dip and sway, dip and sway–


“And the fog’s liftin’
And the sand’s shiftin’
I’m driftin’ on out
Ol’ Captain Ahab
He ain’t got nothin’ on me, now.
So swallow me, don’t follow me
I’m trav’lin’ alone
Blue water’s my daughter
‘n I’m gonna skip like a stone”  Tom Waits

WRITING TIP: Writing is a pleasure, enjoy it.