Quote-May your coming year be filled with MAGIC and DREAMS and GOOD MADNESS. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you’re WONDERFUL and don’t forget to make some art–write or draw or build or sing or live as only YOU can. And I hope somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself-Neil Gaiman
The title of my next book is THE TOWER. I guess y’all know what kind of tower I’m thinking of–yes, an observation tower from Operation Bumble Bee back in the late 1940s. The nefarious villain who occupies the tower is none other than you know who. If you read my latest book BRIDGE TENDER, you’ll now who I’m referring to. I’m about half way through THE TOWER and hope I can finish it in the next couple of months.
writing tip–be sure to get your facts correct. Nothing turns off a reader like a story with incorrect info.
quote–a woman has got to love a bad man once or twice in her life to be thankful for a good one-Marjorie Keenen Rawlings
In the beginning—- it was called the Superette. This must have been taken in the early 1960s. There was a laundromat, barber shop, beauty salon, realty co. grocery store. Surf City had everything you needed.
writing tip: don’t be afraid to remember as vividly as you can–recall all times–they made you who you are.